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VRB Agar, Fluorocult Fluorocult VRB Agar

[所属分类:培养基配方] [发布时间:2021-12-27] [发布人:网站管理员2] [阅读次数:] [返回]
VRB Agar, Fluorocult
Fluorocult VRB Agar

山东拓普生物工程有限公司 培养基配方 http://www.topbiol.com

Composition per liter:

Agar ..................................................................13.0g
Peptone from meat..............................................7.0g
Yeast extract........................................................3.0g
Bile salt mixture..................................................1.5g
4-Methylumbelliferyl-β-D-glucuronide ..............0.1g
Neutral Red.......................................................0.03g
Crystal Violet ..................................................0.002g
pH 7.4 ± 0.2 at 25°C
Source: This medium is available from Merck.
Preparation of Medium: Add components to
distilled/deionized water and bring volume to 1.0L.
Mix thoroughly. Heat in a boiling water bath or in
free flowing steam with frequent stirring until com
pletely dissolved. Do not boil for more than 2 min.
Do not autoclave. Do not overheat. Pour into sterile
Petri dishes. The plates are clear and dark red.
Use: For the detection and enumeration of coliform
bacteria, in particular E. coli. Crystal violet and bile
salts largely inhibit the growth of Gram-positive ac
companying bacterial flora. Lactose-positive colo
nies show a color change to red of the pH indicator.
E. coli colonies show a fluorescence under UV light.
Lactose-negative Enterobacteriaceae are colorless.
Lactose-positive colonies are red and often surround
ed by a turbid zone due to the precipitation of bile ac
ids. Light blue fluorescing colonies denote E. coli.
  版权所有:山东拓普生物工程有限公司 营销服务热线:0535-8028556 邮箱:topbiol@163.com
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