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Wesley Broth

[所属分类:培养基配方] [发布时间:2021-12-28] [发布人:网站管理员2] [阅读次数:] [返回]
Wesley Broth

山东拓普生物工程有限公司 培养基配方 http://www.topbiol.com

Composition per liter:

Tryptose ............................................................20.0g
Bicine (N,N-bis-2-[hydroxy
ethyl]glycine) buffer...................................10.0g
Yeast extract........................................................2.5g
Agar ....................................................................1.0g
FeSO4 ................................................................0.25g
Na2S2O5 ............................................................0.25g
Sodium pyruvate...............................................0.25g
Antibiotic solution ........................................ 10.0mL
Alkaline hematin solution............................. 6.25mL
Antibiotic Solution:
Composition per 10.0mL:
Rifampin .........................................................0.025g
Polymyxin B sulfate ....................................20,000U
Preparation of Antibiotic Solution: Add com
ponents to distilled/deionized water and bring vol
ume to 10.0mL. Mix thoroughly. Filter sterilize.
Alkaline Hematin Solution:
Composition per 10.0mL:
Hemin .............................................................0.032g
NaOH (0.15N solution)................................. 10.0mL
Preparation of Alkaline Hematin Solution:
Add hemin to 10.0mL of NaOH solution. Mix thor
oughly. Autoclave for 30 min at 5 psi pressure–108°C.
Cool to 25°C.
Preparation of Medium: Add components, ex
cept antibiotic solution and alkaline hematin solu
tion, to distilled/deionized water and bring volume to
983.75mL. Mix thoroughly. Gently heat and bring to
boiling. Autoclave for 15 min at 15 psi pressure–
121°C. Cool to 45°–50°C. Aseptically add 10.0mL
of sterile antibiotic solution and 6.25mL of sterile al
kaline hematin solution. Mix thoroughly. Aseptically
distribute into sterile tubes. Use medium immediate
ly or store overnight at 4°C.
Use: For the enrichment of Campylobacter species
from foods.
  版权所有:山东拓普生物工程有限公司 营销服务热线:0535-8028556 邮箱:topbiol@163.com
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