- 定做培养基/定制培养基
- 颗粒培养基
- 标准菌株生化鉴定试剂盒
- 2020年版中国药典
- 促销/特价商品
- 院感/疾控/体外诊断/采样管
- 样品采集与处理(均质)产品
- 按标准检索培养基
- 预灌装即用型成品培养基
- 模拟灌装用培养基
- 干燥粉末培养基
- 培养基添加剂/补充剂
- 生化反应鉴定管
- 染色液等配套产品
- 对照培养基/标准品
- 实验耗材与器具
- 生化试剂/化学试剂
- 菌种鉴定服务
Desulfonauticus Medium Base,DSMZ medium 383b Solution A Base,DSMZ Medium 383b/DSMZ Medium383b/DSMZ 383b/DSMZ383b
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- 1. SD029 - 微量元素溶液SL-10/微量元素溶液SL10 Trace elements solution SL-10/Trace elements solution SL10
- 2. SD052 - 亚硒酸盐-钨酸盐溶液 Selenite-tungstate solution
- 3. SD104 - 10%硫化钠溶液(0.5g/支) 10% Na2S solution
- 4. SD092 - Wolin氏维生素溶液(10x) Wolin's vitamin solution(10x)
Na2SO4 3.0g
KH2PO4 0.2g
NH4Cl 0.3g
NaCl 21.0g
MgCl2·6H2O 3.0g
KCl 0.5g
CaCl2·2H2O 0.15g
Sodium resazurin(刃天青钠)0.0005g
KH2PO4 0.2g
NH4Cl 0.3g
NaCl 21.0g
MgCl2·6H2O 3.0g
KCl 0.5g
CaCl2·2H2O 0.15g
Sodium resazurin(刃天青钠)0.0005g
1. Solution A is sparged with 80% H2 and 20% CO2 gas mixture to reach a pH below 6 (at
least 30 min), then dispensed under the same gas atmosphere into anoxic Hungate-type
tubes or serum vials to 30% of their volume and autoclaved. Solution B is autoclaved
separately under 80% N2 and 20% CO2 gas atmosphere. Solutions C and E are autoclaved
under 100% N2 gas. Solution D is prepared under 100% N2 gas and filter-sterilized. To
complete the medium appropriate amounts of solutions B to E are added to the sterile
solution A in the sequence as indicated. Final pH of the medium should be 7.0 – 7.2.
2. After inoculation pressurize vials to 2 bar overpressure with sterile 80% H2 and 20% CO2
gas mixture.
3. Note: Addition of 10 - 20 mg sodium dithionite per liter (e.g. from 5% (w/v) solution
freshly prepared under N2 and filter-sterilized) may stimulate growth of some strains at the
beginning. For transfers use 5 - 10% inoculum. Incubate all strains in the dark.
For DSM 4206, DSM 15269: Supplement medium with 1.00 g/l Na-acetate, 2.00 g/l
Trypticase peptone and 2.00 g/l yeast extract added to the autoclaved medium from
sterile anoxic stock solutions prepared under N2 gas.
For DSM 15286, DSM 21156, DSM 101864: Supplement medium with 1.00 g/l Na-acetate
and 1.00 ml/l seven vitamins solution (see medium 503) added to the autoclaved medium
from sterile and anoxic stock solutions. Vitamins are sterilized by filtration. Adjust pH of
medium to 6.5 - 6.7 prior to inoculation.
For DSM 111414: Adjust pH of final medium to 6.6.
Solution A
Solution B
Solution C
Wolin's vitamin solution (10x) 1.00 ml
Solution D
Selenite-tungstate solution (from medium 385)
Trace element solution SL-10 (from medium 320)
First dissolve FeCl2 in the HCl, then dilute in water, add and dissolve the other salts. Finally
make up to 1000.00 ml.
Wolin's vitamin solution (10x) (from medium 120)
p-Aminobenzoic acid 50.00 mg
(DL)-alpha-Lipoic acid 50.00 mg
Distilled water 1000.00 ml
Solution A Solution B Solution C Solution D |
972.00 20.00 1.00 13.00 |
ml ml ml ml |
least 30 min), then dispensed under the same gas atmosphere into anoxic Hungate-type
tubes or serum vials to 30% of their volume and autoclaved. Solution B is autoclaved
separately under 80% N2 and 20% CO2 gas atmosphere. Solutions C and E are autoclaved
under 100% N2 gas. Solution D is prepared under 100% N2 gas and filter-sterilized. To
complete the medium appropriate amounts of solutions B to E are added to the sterile
solution A in the sequence as indicated. Final pH of the medium should be 7.0 – 7.2.
2. After inoculation pressurize vials to 2 bar overpressure with sterile 80% H2 and 20% CO2
gas mixture.
3. Note: Addition of 10 - 20 mg sodium dithionite per liter (e.g. from 5% (w/v) solution
freshly prepared under N2 and filter-sterilized) may stimulate growth of some strains at the
beginning. For transfers use 5 - 10% inoculum. Incubate all strains in the dark.
For DSM 4206, DSM 15269: Supplement medium with 1.00 g/l Na-acetate, 2.00 g/l
Trypticase peptone and 2.00 g/l yeast extract added to the autoclaved medium from
sterile anoxic stock solutions prepared under N2 gas.
For DSM 15286, DSM 21156, DSM 101864: Supplement medium with 1.00 g/l Na-acetate
and 1.00 ml/l seven vitamins solution (see medium 503) added to the autoclaved medium
from sterile and anoxic stock solutions. Vitamins are sterilized by filtration. Adjust pH of
medium to 6.5 - 6.7 prior to inoculation.
For DSM 111414: Adjust pH of final medium to 6.6.
Solution A
Na2SO4 KH2PO4 NH4Cl NaCl MgCl2 x 6 H2O KCl CaCl2 x 2 H2O Trace element solution SL-10 Selenite-tungstate solution Sodium resazurin (0.1% w/v) Distilled water |
3.00 0.20 0.30 21.00 3.00 0.50 0.15 1.00 1.00 0.50 970.00 |
g g g g g g g ml ml ml ml |
Solution B
Na2CO3 Distilled water |
1.00 20.00 |
g ml |
Wolin's vitamin solution (10x) 1.00 ml
Solution D
Na2S x 9 H2O Distilled water |
0.40 13.00 |
g ml |
NaOH Na2SeO3 x 5 H2O Na2WO4 x 2 H2O Distilled water |
0.50 3.00 4.00 1000.00 |
g mg mg ml |
HCl (25%) FeCl2 x 4 H2O ZnCl2 MnCl2 x 4 H2O H3BO3 CoCl2 x 6 H2O CuCl2 x 2 H2O NiCl2 x 6 H2O Na2MoO4 x 2 H2O Distilled water |
10.00 1.50 70.00 100.00 6.00 190.00 2.00 24.00 36.00 990.00 |
ml g mg mg mg mg mg mg mg ml |
make up to 1000.00 ml.
Wolin's vitamin solution (10x) (from medium 120)
Biotin Folic acid Pyridoxine hydrochloride Thiamine HCl Riboflavin Nicotinic acid Calcium D-(+)-pantothenate Vitamin B12 |
20.00 20.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 1.00 |
mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg |
(DL)-alpha-Lipoic acid 50.00 mg
Distilled water 1000.00 ml
- 1. MD394 - MEAbl培养基(含硫酸铜和硫酸锌)麦芽汁琼脂/麦芽浸粉琼脂/麦芽提取物琼脂 Blakeslee's Malt extract agar(MEAbl, Blakeslee 1915)
- 2. MD092 - 产孢乳酸菌培养基 Spore-forming Lactic Acid Bacteria Medium
- 3. MD197 - 蒙金娜无机磷液体培养基/蒙金娜培养基PKO培养基/PVK培养基/解磷培养基PK肉汤/PK培养基 Pikovskaya's Fluid MediumPikovskaya MediumPK Medium/Piskovskayas Broth
- 4. MD059 - ATCC培养基2611 ATCC Medium:2611/ATCC Medium 2611Spiroplasma Medium–Special Modified Formulation
- 5. SD025 - 一水葡萄糖溶液(500g/L)(1.0g/支) Glucose monohydrate Solution
- 6. SD021 - 600mM甲胺盐酸盐溶液 Methylammonium chloride
- 7. MD283 - R2A肉汤 R2A Broth
- 8. MD233 - DSMZ培养基1078 Friis MediumDSMZ Medium 1078/DSMZ Medium1078/DSMZ 1078/DSMZ1078
- 9. MD334 - JCM培养基110/碱性纤维素琼脂 Alkaline Cellulose Agar
- 10. MD061 - 丁酸梭菌培养基 Clostridium butyricum Medium