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Thiorhodococcus Medium (DSMZ Medium 28a)
[所属分类:培养基配方] [发布时间:2021-9-15] [发布人:网站管理员2] [阅读次数:] [返回]
Thiorhodococcus Medium
(DSMZ Medium 28a)
山东拓普生物工程有限公司 培养基配方 http://www.topbiol.com
Composition per 5.0L:
Solution A.....................................................................................4.0L
Solution B ..............................................................................860.0mL
Solution E ..............................................................................100.0mL
Solution F.................................................................................20.0mL
Solution C ..................................................................................5.0mL
Solution D..................................................................................5.0mL
pH 7.3 at 25°C
Solution A:
Composition per 4.0L:
NaCl.......................................................................................... 100.0g
MgCl2·6H2O ................................................................................. 5.0g
MgSO4 .......................................................................................... 2.5g
Na2S2O3·5H2O .............................................................................. 2.5g
KH2PO4......................................................................................... 1.7g
NH4Cl ........................................................................................... 1.7g
KCl................................................................................................ 1.7g
CaCl2·2H2O ................................................................................ 1.25g
Preparation of Solution A: Add components to 4.0L distilled wa
ter. Mix thoroughly. Autoclave for 45 min at 15 psi pressure–121°C in
a 5-liter special bottle or flask with four openings at the top, together
with a teflon-coated magnetic bar. In this 5-liter bottle, two openings
for tubes are in the central, silicon rubber stopper; one is a short, gas
inlet tube with a sterile cotton filter, and the other is an outlet tube for
medium, which reaches the bottom of the vessel at one end and has, at
the other end, a silicon rubber tube with a pinch cock and a bell for
aseptic dispensing of the medium into bottles. The other two openings
have gas-tight screw caps; one of these openings is for the addition of
sterile solutions and the other serves as a gas outlet. After autoclaving,
cool to room temperature under a 100% N2 atmosphere with a positive
pressure of 0.05– 0.1 atm (a manometer for low pressure will be re
quired). Saturate the cold medium with CO2 by magnetic stirring for 30
min under a CO2 atmosphere of 0.05–0.1 atm.
Solution B:
Distilled water........................................................................860.0mL
Preparation of Solution B: Autoclave distilled water for 15 min at
15 psi pressure–121°C in a cotton-stoppered Erlenmeyer flask. Cool to
room temperature under an atmosphere of N2 in an anaerobic jar.
Solution C:
Composition per 100.0mL:
Vitamin B12 ................................................................................2.0mg
Preparation of Solution C: Add vitamin B12 to distilled/deionized
water and bring volume to 100.0mL. Mix thoroughly. Sparge under
100% N2 gas for 3 min. Filter sterilize Store under N2 gas.
Solution D:
Composition per liter:
Disodium ethylendiamine tetraacetate (Disodium EDTA) ........... 3.0g
FeSO4·7H2O................................................................................. 1.1g
H3BO3 ........................................................................................... 0.3g
CoCl2·6H2O ................................................................................ 0.19g
NiCl2·6H2O ..............................................................................24.0mg
Na2MoO4·2H2O ...................................................................... 18.0mg
CuCl2·2H2O ...............................................................................2.0mg
Preparation of Solution D: Add components to distilled/deionized
water and bring volume to 1.0L. Mix thoroughly. Autoclave for 15 min
at 15 psi pressure–121°C.
Solution E:
Composition per 100.0mL:
NaHCO3 ........................................................................................ 7.5g
Preparation of Solution E: Add NaHCO3 to distilled/deionized
water and bring volume to 100.0mL. Mix thoroughly. Sparge with
100% CO2 until saturated. Filter sterilize under 100% CO2 into a ster
ile, gas-tight 100.0mL screw-capped bottle.
Solution F:
Composition per 100.0mL:
Na2S·9H2O.................................................................................. 10.0g
Preparation of Solution F: Add Na2S·9H2O to distilled/deionized
water in a 250.0mL screw-capped bottle fitted with a butyl rubber sep
tum and bring volume to 100.0mL. Mix thoroughly. Sparge under
100% N2 gas for 3 min. Autoclave for 15 min at 15 psi pressure–
121°C. Cool to room temperature.
Neutralized Sulfide Solution:
Composition per 100.0mL:
Na2S·9H2O.................................................................................... 1.5g
Preparation of Neutralized Sulfide Solution: Add Na2S·9H2O
to distilled/deionized water in a 250.0mL screw-capped bottle fitted
with a butyl rubber septum and bring volume to 100.0mL. Add a mag
netic stir bar. Mix thoroughly. Sparge under 100% N2 gas for 3 min.
Autoclave for 15 min at 15 psi pressure–121°C. Cool to room temper
ature. Adjust pH to about 7.3 with sterile 2M H2SO4. Do not open the
bottle to add H2SO4; use a sterile syringe. Stir the solution continuously
to avoid precipitation of elemental sulfur. The final solution should be
clear and yellow in color.
Preparation of Medium: Add solutions B, C, D, E, and F to solu
tion A through one of the screw-cap openings against a stream of either
N2 gas or, better, a mixture of 95% N2 and 5% CO2 while the medium
is magnetically stirred. Adjust the pH of the medium with sterile HCl
or Na2CO3 solution (2M solutions) to pH 7.3. Distribute the medium
aseptically through the medium outlet tube into sterile, 100mL bottles
(with metal caps and autoclavable rubber seals) using the positive gas
pressure (0.05–0.1 atm) of the N2 /CO2 gas mixture. Leave a small air
bubble in each bottle to meet possible pressure changes. The tightly
sealed, screw-cap bottles can be stored for several weeks or months in
the dark. During the first 24 hr, the iron of the medium precipitates in
the form of black flocs. No other sediment should arise in the otherwise
clear medium. Incubate in the light at 500–1,000 lux intensity. Feed pe
riodically with neutralized solution of sodium sulfide to replenish sul
fide and with other supplement solutions.
Use: For the cultivation of Thiorhodococcus minor.